Walk With Me.

Peace for the Storm Quotes - Walk With Me

I want Jesus to walk with me
I want Jesus to walk with me
All along my pilgrim journey
I want Jesus to walk with me

I have always loved this hymn, but recently it has taken on a new significance for me. Due to the extent and nature of my injuries, I was unable to bear weight on my right leg for months. Activities – like getting from the bed to the toilet – which were previously so easy for me became extremely difficult. I began praying, with literally every step, for Jesus to help me. Now I can partially bear weight on my right leg, but each step is still painful, my knee frequently buckles on me, and my gait is not normal. My muscles are still so weak that I cannot stand or walk for very long. Thus I continue my prayers that Jesus and His angels will surround me and help me as I try to walk. I never thought I’d have to learn to walk again as an adult and that the process would be so difficult and painful, but literally every step of the way, Jesus is helping me.

As children we learn to walk and we get so accustomed to it, we don’t give the process a second thought. Before the incident, I would never pray for help to walk to the bathroom. Similarly, we sometimes get so wrapped up in our lives that spiritually we become very independent. We must always remember that “in Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Physically we breathe and move and walk because of Christ’s blessing. And the same is true spiritually. We must always look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, for direction. We can do nothing apart from him. Today and every day, join me in the prayer “I want Jesus to walk with me.”

Amanda is the founder of Peace for the Storm and a survivor of the San Bernardino terrorist attack on December 2, 2015. She completed her bachelor’s degree in Biology at Southern Adventist University and her Master of Public Health degree in Global Health at Emory University. She is a Registered Environmental Health Specialist. Amanda loves reading, singing, playing the piano, traveling, snorkeling and going to art galleries. Her theme song is “Jesus is All the World to Me.”

2 Comment

  1. Rachel says: Reply

    Amanda, may God bless you and give your legs (and your whole body) supernatural strength! May He restore you to your former health and strength so that you can be a mighty witness for Him. What a great reminder of our dependence on God, even when we don’t sense we need Him! Thanks for your encouragement even in the middle of your pain and your storm! You’re a blessing to us all!!

  2. Debbie Richards says: Reply

    Dear Amanda,

    Your testimony of love for Jesus is powerful. Taking those ‘first steps’, all over again…….great symbolism here of God’s continual love for each of us, custom-tailored to fit our life. And who but God can reveal the beauty of His love amid pain….

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